August 2021. Check out our latest publication - “Interaction with the CCT chaperonin complex limits APOBEC3A cytidine deaminase cytotoxicity” in EMBO Reports
The Green lab’s latest publication can be found in EMBO reports. Congratulations to everyone that contributed to this project in which a novel interaction between the CCT chaperonin complex and APOBEC3A was identified.
July 2021. Congratulations Rachel!
Congratulations Rachel! Rachel has been accepted into the Cancer Biology graduate program at Washington University’s School of Medicine. We are excited for her to stay in the WashU family and hopes she visits us at the Green Lab as she starts the next steps in her career!
June 2021. The Green and Bednarski labs hit the town!
We joined our neighbors and close collaborators in some celebratory festivities at a local STL brewery. Fun was had by all, and David even got a free pair of sunglasses! How cool!
May 2021. Lewis will be joining us this summer with PSRP
Lewis will be spending his summer performing research in the Green lab as a member of the Pediatric Student Research Program. We are excited to have him in lab full-time where he will be working closely with many members of the lab on multiple exciting projects.
March 2021. Rachel presents at the Hematology WIP
Rachel presented her work with APOBEC3A expressing chicken cells at the Hematology WIP Series. Her talk resulted in a productive and lively discussion prompting a wide variety of ideas and comments. Rachel is the Green Lab’s resident superstar!
March 2021. Meet our new lab member Jess Devenport
Meet our new graduate student from DBBS, Jess Devenport! She has joined our lab to start research on APOBEC’s involvement within ovarian cancer.
June 2020. Ava awarded the ALSF POST grant
Ava was awarded the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) Pediatric Oncology Student Training (POST) Program grant!