Lab Environment

The Green Lab strives to have an environment of scientific productivity, collegiality, congeniality, collaboration, and fun! Despite the recent pandemic, our lab was lucky to grow both in numbers, talent, and collegial atmosphere. We are part of several important collaborative projects both on campus, at other US institutions, and abroad. We believe that science is best done as a team and look forward to working with new and established collaborators.


Diversity & Inclusivity

In the lab, we use a diverse array of techniques to study mutagenesis and DNA damage including molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, genome engineering, next generation sequencing, computational biology, and animal models. We are proud to be home to a similarly diverse group of trainees from varied scientific, geographic, ethnic, and social backgrounds. We believe that diversity improves us as a group and welcome others who feel the same. We aim to promote diversity and look forward to recruiting lab members from backgrounds that are underrepresented in science. In the Green Lab, we celebrate differences and learn from one another. We are allies of all and work hard to ensure an inclusive, positive, and safe lab environment.

More on diversity and inclusivity at Washington University School of Medicine can be found here at the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


Green Lab Gallery